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Geologists Geophysicists

Abdulla Fouad Impalloy Ltd Co

P.O Box: 257
Zip Code: 31411
City: Dammam
Country: Saudi Arabia
Phone: + XXX XX 8473300
Fax: + XXX XX 8472233
Email Address: info@abdullafouad.com
Website: www.abdulla-fouad.com
Employee Range: 1500+
Founded Year: 1948

Al Hoty Stanger Ltd Co

P.O Box: 1122
Zip Code: 31952
City: Al Khobar
Country: Saudi Arabia
Phone: + 966 3 8891000
Fax: + 966 3 8981466
Email Address: ashmin@al-hoty.com
Website: www.alhotystanger.com
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN
Founded Year: 1975

Al Masaood Oil Industry Supplies & Services Co

P.O Box: 4352
City: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 2 8155888
Fax: + 971 2 6273422
Email Address: masoil@emirates.net.ae
Website: www.almasaoodoiss.com
Employee Range: 200-499
Founded Year: 1970

Al Rahmah Group

Address: First floor Office no 5
Jumeirah 1 Beach Road
The Village Mall
P.O Box: 339
City: Dubai
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 4 3444000
Fax: + 971 4 3447575
Email Address: alrahmah@eim.ae
Website: www.al-rahmah.com
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN
Founded Year: 1987

Alyaf Industrial Company Ltd

P.O Box: 2759
Zip Code: 11461
City: Riyadh
Country: Saudi Arabia
Phone: + XXX XX 4731802
+ XXX XX 4731817
Fax: + XXX XX 4731308
Website: www.alyaf.com

American Association of Petroleum Geologists-AAPG

P.O Box: 979
Zip Code: OK 74101
City: Tulsa
Country: United States of America
Phone: + 1 918 5842555
+ 1 918 5609429
+ 1 918 5609430
Fax: + 1 918 5602665
+ 1 918 5602684
Email Address: aapgdata@aapg.org
Website: www.aapg.org
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN

Archimedes Consulting Pty Ltd

31 Stirling Street
Zip Code: 5031
City: Thebarton, Abelaide
Country: Australia
Phone: + 61 8 82340511
Fax: + 61 8 82342637
Email Address: office@archimedes-consulting.com.au
Website: www.archimedes-consulting.com.au

Badley Ashton

Address: Suite 375, Ashford V
14701 St Mary's Lane
Zip Code: 77079
City: Houston, Texas
Country: United States of America
Phone: + 1 281 4935988
Fax: + 1 281 4939144
Website: www.badley-ashton.co.uk

Badley Ashton & Associates Ltd

Address: Winceby House
Winceby, Horncastle
Zip Code: LN9 6PB
City: Lincolnshire
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: + 44 1507 588353
Fax: + 44 1507 588345
Email Address: enquires@badley-ashton.co.uk
Website: www.badley-ashton.co.uk

Bahrain Petroleum Co BSC (c)-BAPCO

Address: Sitra Road
Near Awali Post Office
P.O Box: 25555
City: Awali
Country: Bahrain
Phone: + 973 17704040
+ 973 17756666
+ 973 17755823
Fax: + 973 17704070
+ 973 17757672
Email Address: info@bapco.net
Website: www.bapco.com.bh
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN

Baker Atlas Geoscience Center

Address: Building 228
Road 2757
Block 327
P.O Box: 15425
City: Manama
Country: Bahrain
Phone: + 973 17710701
Fax: + 973 17710571
Website: www.bakerhughes.com


P.O Box: 11
Zip Code: 72751
City: Zhuozhou Hebei
Country: China
Phone: + 86 10 81201469
+ 86 10 81201850
Fax: + 86 10 81201392
Email Address: marketing@bgprintl.com
Website: www.bgp.com.cn

Blueback Reservoir AS

Richard Johnsensgate 4
Zip Code: 4021
City: Stavanger
Country: Norway
Phone: + 47 51 874633
Fax: + 47 51 874634
Email Address: sales@blueback-reservoir.com
Website: www.blueback-reservoir.com

C & C Reservoirs

Address: Arcadia House
15 Forlease Road
Zip Code: SL6 1RX
City: Berkshire
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: + 44 1628 628111
Fax: + 44 1628 628115
Email Address: info@ccreservoirs.com
Website: www.ccreservoirs.com

Earth Resouces Exploration (EREX)

P.O Box: 4
Zip Code: 11559
City: Cairo
Country: Egypt
Phone: + 20 2 25253989
Fax: + 20 2 25254277
Email Address: petro.consultant@erexegypt.com
Website: www.erexegypt.com

ECG Engineering Consultants Group SA

Address: Kornish Street,
City Bank Building,
Abu Dhabi
P.O Box: 29556
City: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 2 6728007
+ 971 2 6728489
Fax: + 971 2 6728012
Email Address: ecg@emirates.net.ae
Website: www.ecgsa.com
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN
Founded Year: 1969

Fugro Survey Middle East Ltd

Address: Gasos Compound, Next to GMS
Corniche Street
P.O Box: 43088
City: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 2 5547810
+ 971 2 5554817
Fax: + 971 2 5547811
+ 971 2 5554601
Email Address: fugrosur@emirates.net.ae
Website: www.fugro-uae.com
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN
Founded Year: 1980


P.O Box: 490
Zip Code: NO-0213 Oslo
City: Skoyen
Country: Norway
Phone: + 47 22 134600
+ 47 22 134617
Fax: + 47 22 134646
Email Address: geoteam@fugro-geoteam.com
Website: www.fugro-geoteam.com

Geological Society of Oman (GSO)

P.O Box: 993
Zip Code: 112
City: Ruwi
Country: Oman
Phone: + 968 24677946
Fax: + 968 24677946
Email Address: gso.network@gmail.com
Website: www.gso-oman.org

Geologix Limited

Rosebery Court St
Andrews Business Park
Zip Code: NR7 OHS
City: Norwich, Norfolk
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: + 44 1603 706900
Fax: + 44 1603 706901
Email Address: info@geologix.com
Website: www.geologix.com

Geoservices Abu Dhabi

P.O Box: 2959
City: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 2 5553844
Fax: + 971 2 5555086
Email Address: geoauh@emirates.net.ae
Website: www.geoservices.com
Employee Range: 100-199
Founded Year: 1958

Ground Engineering Contractors (GEC)

P.O Box: 1053
Zip Code: 31952
City: Al Khobar
Country: Saudi Arabia
Phone: + XXX XX 8873577
+ XXX XX 8982240
+ XXX XX 8654750
Fax: + XXX XX 8873536
+ XXX XX 8948378
Email Address: gec-kho@gecsaudi.com
Website: www.gecsaudi.com
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN
Founded Year: 1974

Gulf Inspection International Co

P.O Box: 24993
Zip Code: 13110
City: Safat
Country: Kuwait
Phone: + 965 24748859
+ 965 24733048
+ 965 24735121
Fax: + 965 24733045
Employee Range: NOT KNOWN
Founded Year: 1976

Gulf Reservoir Modeling Technology (ResModTec)

Address: Office 101, Mermaid Tower
P.O Box: 41375
City: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Phone: + 971 2 6674666
Fax: + 971 2 6674999
Email Address: info@resmodtec.com / training@resmodtec.com
Website: www.resmodtec.com

HRH Geological Services

Bridge of Don
19 Silverburn Place
Zip Code: AB23 8EG
City: Aberdeen
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: + 44 1224 347070
Fax: + 44 1224 347077
Email Address: info@hrhgeology.com
Website: www.hrhgeology.com


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